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Does Cold Water Swimming Help Anxiety?

In recent years cold water swimming has become a lot more popular and the benefits raved about. But what are the benefits of cold water swimming and can cold water swimming help anxiety?

What Is Cold Water Swimming?

Firstly, what is cold water swimming?

Cold water swimming is as the name suggests, swimming in cold water, this can be in the sea, rivers, or lakes. If you are in the UK like myself then cold water swimming is easily done all year round as our water doesn’t tend to warm up..at all.

However, in other warmer counties, people tend to do cold water swimming only in winter or in specific ice pools or ice baths.

Please note when cold water swimming to slowly acclimatise yourself to the cold and never jump straight in as this can lead to cold water shock.

7 Benefits Of Cold Water Swimming

How Does Cold Water Swimming Help Anxiety?

So in short simple terms, yes cold water swimming does help Anxiety.

  • It releases those happy hormones

  • It gets us up and out of the house

  • It provides an opportunity to focus on our breathing and relax

  • Provides movement and physical fitness

  • You find community in other like-minded people.

Exposing yourself to cold water, at first, shocks the body. This response forces us to take control of our breathing, calming our breath and in turn becoming present and aware of our bodies.

I know the thought of willingly going into cold water doesn’t exactly sound very appealing does it but, this exposure to cold water causes a number of effects on the body and mind.

Focusing on those effects on the mind, by regularly choosing to go cold water swimming and pushing your body and mind out of its comfort zone you are building resilience and strengthening your courage and ability to override that voice that tells you you’d rather be sat at home.

Studies have shown how cold water swimming can support people suffering from anxiety and depression and after time completely coming off medications.

Not only is the cold water effect beneficial but the swimming in itself has its own benefits by providing movement and that feeling of accomplishment.

Having something you enjoy doing and that rush of endorphins and adrenaline from the cold water thrill is a major mood booster!

Where To Go Cold Water Swimming

I would recommend always checking tide times and the safety of the water before swimming, a quick Google search of the beach or river usually tells you what you need to know.

If you want to swim further out definitely consider a bright colours hat and tow float for safety they are very reasonably priced and invaluable for safety.

Facebook also has a lot of different groups all over the UK and around the world so if you are looking for inspiration for locations, meet ups or just general information on your area then have a search for wild swimming or cold water swimming in your area and join a group.

I’ve found Facebook groups really helpful in finding more private, hidden spots to have a cold water swim, especially in rivers where it’s trickier to find spots to get in and out.

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