9 Things To Do Outside With Friends


Stuck for ideas?

You don’t have to be a big nature lover to enjoy being outside! You don’t have to be outside for hours and you don’t have to run a marathon or forage for wild berries!

Here are a few of my favourite ways to enjoy being outside with friends (season-dependable)

9 Things To Do Outside With Friends

Outside with friends

Go on a group bike ride

If you don’t like riding on the roads pack the bikes up and go to the nearest woods/ nature park.

There are plenty of outdoor sites that rent bikes on-site, always a good option if you don’t have a bike rack or big enough car to bundle them into.

outside with friends

Taking a Flask Of Hot Drink

Hot Chocolate or Tea and Meeting a friend at a local park, pack biscuits too.. Usually, I would walk around the park and have a catch-up but if you’re not a fan of moving, find a bench I don’t judge!

Activity Hire

There are many places around the UK and abroad to hire Rowing Boats, Pedalo, Paddle Boards or even try out Aqua Parks!

You’ll have a great day out, see the sights and get outside.

Outdoors with friends

Wild Berry Picking

Ok, so I know I said you don’t need to forage for berries but blackberry sorbet is delicious!

Grab a tub and a friend and go blackberry hunting, collect a load then take them home to make sorbet or crumble. Win-win.

Outdoor activity with friends

Find the Local Tennis Courts

A lot of parks I know of actually offer these free so it’s worth checking before you pay to go somewhere.

Either way, it’s a fun way to exercise, get outside, and make time for your friends.

outdoor activity with friends

Visit a Farm or Zoo

No they are not just for children!

Go cuddle some Lambs, feed the cows, and enjoy some time outdoors with your mates. And if you do have children then great bring them too!

fun outside with friends

Diy Photoshoot

Find a pretty park or a creepy woods and get creative!

Me and My friends can spend hours doing this! Just have fun and make memories you can look back on.

Outdoors with friends


This is great fun for adults and children.

It’s basically treasure hunting… what’s not to love? There’s an app you can download which has a free version that offers plenty of finds to keep you hunting.

Outdoor Wellness Retreat

Surprisingly more affordable than you might think!

The one in the photo is Paus In Cambridge. A beautiful location where you can choose your experience making it great for different budgets and preferences.

Hot Tubs, Saunas, Ice Baths or Take in the Views From the Café.

I hope this has given you some ideas to try, getting outside never needs to be expensive or extravigant just call up your friends and get planning!

Being outside has been proven to increase our mood and send us those feel good hormones or even if you have a spare hour in your week, get outside :)


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