How To Take Control Of Your Life
It’s never too late to take control of your life, you don’t need to start over you just need to start.
Everything you do in life makes a difference.
You are creating your future in every moment and every decision.
Ask yourself, are the choices you’re making helping to create the life you want?
If not, make a change. Do something today that your future self will thank you for!
Take back control of your life.
Feeling out of control
It’s so easy to get caught up in the fast pace of today’s society, go to work, earn money, come home, get the chores done, eat, sleep, and repeat.
Suddenly you realize years have gone by and that dream you’ve been holding onto now seems an unrealistic goal that you wish you would have gone after years ago.
The time never seems right and there is always something holding you back.
So if you’ve been waiting for someone to tell you, I will. . .
It’s ok to want something more, it’s ok to put your wants and desires first for a change and it’s ok to step outside of your ‘norm’ and do something different.
Don’t be afraid, be afraid and do it anyway. It’s completely normal, feel the excitement, take a chance on yourself, and live the life you have always dreamed of!
Taking control of your life
Ask yourself these questions:
What do I do each day that I love?
If I could change one thing about my current daily life what would it be?
Three things I am passionate about are..
If I could do anything and be successful what would I try?
What motivates me?
Once you know the answers to these questions you can really look at your daily life and figure out what changes you can make.
It’s never too late to change direction, try a new career, explore a new country, or completely switch up your way of living.
We all change as we go through life gaining new knowledge and experience that shapes and changes us. We learn new ways of thinking, our priorities change, and who we once were might not be who we are today or who we want to be in the future and that’s ok.
We all have the ability and the right to be our true selves, sometimes we just need the confidence, support, and determination to take those first steps to get us there.
I suggest that you use those questions as journaling prompts.
Answer those questions and see how your current life compares and what changes you can make to your day, week, or month to improve your life and become more aligned with the life you feel drawn to.
Repeat this exercise monthly to keep yourself accountable and allow you time to prioritize your personal growth and happiness.